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8-apartments passive house


The building was designed with respect of the passive house requirements and design methodology. The house was built with a passive house quality wall and window system, with a large floor-to-ceiling window system facing the courtyard. A more closed facade was designed towards the north-facing street, where smaller windows help the bioclimatic aspects. The characteristics of the building are the use of renewable energy sources - the use of geothermal heat supply, the optimization of solar utilization for heating purposes combined with efficient shading; heat recovery ventilation system with passive pre-cooling and preheating, as well as the use of environmentally friendly materials, masonry and thermal insulation systems and secondary products.

Adopted strategies

1. Sun exposure and internal spatial organization (bioclimatic aspects)
Large floor-to-ceiling window system towards the courtyard, smaller, more closed windows towards the north-facing street.

2. Steps taken to improve energy efficiency, thermal comfort and indoor air quality
Passive house quality in wall, door and window system

3. Building systems and renewable energy utilization
Heat supply via geothermal heat pump capable also of passive cooling. Heat dissipation with speed-controlled circulating pump and structure tempering, hot water supply with pressure switch circulation system.

4. Energy class achieved (eg level A, B) or category improvement achieved (in case of renovation)
Consumption 9kWh/m2a, “A” energy class

This project has received funding from the European Union's ERASMUS+
programme under grant agreement No 2019-1-HU01-KA204-61230